How does Tuning work?  - With The Boostcreep

For Episode #56 of the Flatirons Syndicate Motorsports Podcast, Jon, Ryan, and Tasso sit down with Harvey, owner and Tuner at The Boostcreep, to talk about how Tuning works.

For a long time now, every modern cars' engine is controlled by a computer or ECU. When this first happened in the mid-90's, the first thought was that this was going to be the end of modifying cars, and tuning them to make more power. It didn't take long for people to realize that the function and control that the ECU offered was actually a huge advantage, not a limitation.

But even now that tuning, or re-mapping of the ECU is fairly common, there is still a fair amount of mystery around how that works, or what exactly a Tuner is doing when they re-map an ECU. That is why we wanted to sit down with Harvey from The Boostcreep. He has been Tuning cars for over 15 years, and has a wealth of experience when it comes to tuning a wide variety of cars.

To start to talk about this topic, we first talk about the 4-stroke engine cycle, and what is going on in the engine because it is critical to have a good understanding of that process before you start to talk about adjusting how the ECU works.
From there we have a great conversation about what the ECU is doing, and what tools the Tuner uses to increase the efficiency and power of an engine.

Thanks for listening, and Stay Tuned!