Accusump Vs. Dry Sump - Everything you need to know

As we have started to put out a lot more information about our experience running the Roger Clark Motorsport Dry Sump on our race car, we have started to get more questions about how a Dry Sump oiling system compares to an Accusump. And when an Accusump might be a better option.

So we decided to made a video to take a look at both options.

Hopefully this is helpful and thanks for watching!

Stay Tuned!

Joe from ASF Machine had a great piece of information that I wanted to add to the blog post:

When accusump shopping, just remember that an 11mm oil pump will move 63 liters per minute at 6000 rpm. You only need to starve for longer than 2.8 seconds before the 3 liter accusump becomes useless.